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Activism & Organizing

Colorado Anti-Violence Program, Denver, CO, 10-2005/8-2008
Board Member

I served on this working board for about three years. In addition to reviewing financial statements and other administrative tasks, I also researched models of organizational structure, coordinated fundraising mailings, assisted with staff evaluations and hiring, recruited board members, solicited gifts and donations, and worked with various committees on specific tasks.  

Transform Columbus Day Alliance, Denver, CO, 10-2002/8-2008

I assisted with planning events, including teach-ins, protests, and community events, acted as a liason between students and community members, assisted with the 2007 Columbus Day Truth Commission, and assisted in other ways as needed.

Indigenous Support Network, University of Colorado Denver, CO 5-2005/5-2007
President, lead organizer

I coordinated with the CU-Boulder chapter of the Indigenous Support Network (ISN) to organize and educate students on issues facing indigenous peoples. I served as President and Lead Organizer for two years, and was responsible for running meetings, creating a calendar of events, drafting funding requests, recruiting members, maintaining an electronic newsletter, and collaborating with community groups, academic departments, and other student organizations. 

Many of our events focused on educating students and included conferences, film screenings, panel discussions, teach-ins, and workshops. Examples include: 

  •  What Price Gold conference on the impact of mining on indigenous peoples 
  • "Thanks but No Thanks: the Real History of Thanksgiving" (held annually) 
  • Confronting Racism conference 
  • Film Screening & discussion of The Fourth World War 
  • Film Screen & discussion of "Homeland: Four Portraits of Native Action"
  • Teach-ins on the history of Columbus
  • Participating in the Transform Columbus Day coalition

Denver Copwatch, 2003-2007
Member, Volunteer

I assisted with organizing "Know Your Rights" training throughout the Denver community and monitoring police activity. 

Breakdown Book Collective, Denver, CO, 10-2002/10-2005

I volunteered at Breakdown for about three years, managing general operation of the  space, including checking materials in and out of the lending library, selling books and other items, welcoming new visitors, and disseminating information about events. I also organized guest speakers and special events and assisted with fundraising events and with the individual donor campaign. 

Colorado ACORN, Denver, CO, 2001
Community Organizer

I conducted door-knocking and outreach to recruit new members, facilitated campaign meetings, and assisted in fundraising.
